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Nina @ Death Books and Tea

Female. 15. Book blogger. Whovian. Sherlocked. Zydrate addict. Goth. Multifandomed. Violinst. Tea drinker. Feminist. LGBT. Ravenclaw. Alive.

Currently reading

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Douglas Adams
Armageddon: The Musical
Robert Rankin
Cunt: A Declaration of Independence
Inga Muscio, Betty Dodson
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare
172 Hours on the Moon
Tara F. Chace, Johan Harstad
Under the Dome
Stephen King
The Equality Illusion: The Truth About Women And Men Today
Kat Banyard
Strawberry Panic: The Complete Novel Collection
Namuchi Takumi, Sakurako Kimino
Sarah Rees Brennan
Dark Eden
Chris Beckett
Fearsome Dreamer - Laure Eve 3.5
UnWholly - Neal Shusterman 4.6full review later
Tainted - A.E. Rought 3.5full review later
Death and Mr. Right - Kendra L. Saunders 3.5 full review one day
Huntress - Malinda Lo 3.5
Judge, Tome 1 : - Yoshiki Tonogai Creepy. Gripping. I want to know more about these people NOW. Volume 2, come soon please.
Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1) - Daniel A. Kaine 3.75 or 3.5 or 3. will decide later
Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein 3.75

Etiquette & Espionage

Etiquette & Espionage - Gail Carriger MADAME LEFOUX AS A NINE YEAR OLD KID *DIES AT ADORABLE* Full review later
Any Other Name - Emma Newman better than book 1fulol review later
The Beautiful and the Cursed (The Dispossessed, #1) - Page Morgan 3,5 maybe
Kings of Ruin - Sam  Cameron 3.5 full review later
Luna - Julie Anne Peters 4.5 really beautiful. loved luna and regan. liked hte pov of sister. full review later
Boyfriends with Girlfriends - Alex Sanchez Lance, at the beginning youre an ass. Everyone else, i really liked you. Plot, meh, but that´s me all the time really. full review later. explores bisexuality well, from two oppositee ends :)


Wildthorn - Jane Eagland 3.5 full review to come
Evil Dark - Justin Gustainis 3.5full review to come